36 Lessons from the Year - Reduex
(538 words, 2 minute read)
Magazine rack with file pouches.
I use little scraps of paper to jot down ideas for my writing and, in general, keep everything I have to do straight. But just like everyone else, the papers can get out of control. The fear of “losing” a key bit of information lives in me, just like everyone else. I use the term “everyone” loosely. I am sure there are people in the world who don’t have this inflection, but I haven’t met them. If you are one of them, congrats! Maybe this post won’t resonate with you, and that’s okay.
Anywho, I have lots of systems that are great until they aren’t. And that’s when chaos sneaks in, and unlike the Grinch, who steals everything, chaos delivers a big old helping at anxiety. So, I had to do something to release the tension. I bit the bullet and decided I needed to get a handle on my paper.
I gathered all the bits and, one by one, decided what category it belonged in and made a file folder pouch. I will work with this and see how efficient it is. At least for now, everything is contained, and I can find it.
While sorting, I came across this list of conclusions from my Morning Pages in 2021. I can honestly say I lost track of this list after printing it, so it wasn’t a daily reminder to me as intended. But, after reviewing it, I realized that 1) it was still relevant, and 2) though I have fully integrated some of the concepts, I still have more work to be done.
And there is always work to be done.
1. Find the balance between planning and experiencing
2. Don’t jump to conclusions. Take the time to get more information
3. Distractions are always going to be
4. Writing should be fun–play
5. The people you want to surround you should also want to be
6. Embrace Ebb and Flow
7. Be kind to myself–I am better than my past
8. Trying new things should be fun
9. Minimize emotional hangovers
10. I am the only one I need to answer to
11. Life isn’t a contest–Winning isn’t the goal
12. Be Creative and ask questions
13. Deadlines are real, and meltdowns are not productive
14. Your creativity will only be so patient
15. Let go of the things that are no longer serving you…like stewing
16. Don’t do shit you don’t want to do
17. Good health is a gift
18. Work for yourself
19. Heal yourself from the inside
20. You don’t get to my age without baggage
21. Toxic Positivity is real
22. We all have mommy/daddy issues
23. Closure may be overrated
24. Just because you are a kind person doesn’t mean it is a free pass for assholes to take advantage
25. Don’t let people live rent-free in your head
26. We are all alone in this world–trust your internal compass
27. Physical pain can be a manifestation of emotional/mental pain
28. For some, what we have to give will never be enough
29. Good days should be the norm
30. You know what you need, so stop fucking around!
31. Do the hard work
32. The answer is always inside you
33. Step away from the computer
34. I deserve nice things
35. Shortcuts are products of the outside world–Practice is the product of the inside world
36. Take away what works and leave the rest.